NETGEAR Commits to Cybersecurity Excellence by Joining CISA’s Secure by Design Pledge

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During the recent RSA Conference, an annual gathering that sets the tone for global cybersecurity trends, NETGEAR marked a significant milestone. Represented by our Chief Technology Officer, Martin Westhead, NETGEAR proudly signed the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency's (CISA) Secure by Design Pledge.

This momentous occasion underlines NETGEAR’s unwavering commitment to advancing secure networking solutions that not only meet but exceed the expectations of modern digital landscapes.

A Pledge for Enhanced Security

The Secure by Design principles, recently updated and expanded by CISA and its international partners, aim to integrate robust cybersecurity features right from the initial stages of technology product development. By adopting these principles, NETGEAR reinforces its leadership in delivering high-performance networking solutions that are fundamentally secure. This proactive approach ensures that the security and privacy of users are prioritized, addressing potential vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.

Why It Matters

Martin Westhead at CISA 2024In today’s interconnected world, the importance of reliable and secure digital infrastructure cannot be overstated. Cyber threats are evolving, becoming more sophisticated, and posing increased risks to privacy and security. NETGEAR’s participation in the Secure by Design initiative is more than just a pledge—it is a clear statement of our dedication to ensuring the safety of our customers’ personal and business identities and data.

“As a pioneer and leader in providing high-performance, secure networking products and services, NETGEAR has always been dedicated to the safety and privacy of our end users,” said Martin Westhead, CTO of NETGEAR. “We are proud to join CISA in the Secure by Design effort to demonstrate our continued commitment to ensuring customers and partners trust the safety of the technology they rely on most.” 

Looking Ahead

Joining forces with CISA through this pledge is a step forward in our journey towards a safer cyber world. It is a testament to NETGEAR’s proactive stance on cybersecurity and our commitment to continuous improvement in every aspect of our operations. Our users deserve the best, and we are here to deliver just that—secure, reliable, and trustworthy networking solutions.

As we move forward, NETGEAR remains dedicated to upholding the highest standards of security and advancing our technology to meet the challenges of tomorrow. We are excited about the future and are proud to lead the way in making the digital world safer for everyone.