

Digital Experience Manager

Joined Netgear

April 2021

ABOUT angelomedel

I remember the moment I realized what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.
When I was 16, I remember feeling a rush to write down my thoughts one evening. Where should I apply to college? How can I translate my interests to a major? Where do I really want to open the next chapter of my life?
I ended up writing a blog on my Tumblr page. It became my coming-of-age story … but little did I know where it would actually take me.
— “What is it that really interests me in life? Marketing. There’s a reason why there are those people that line up for days before a new generation of an iPhone or something launches. It’s how they make that product look so awesome and how they make it look like it’s something you have to have. It’s a sandwich of glass and aluminum. But they sell millions of them around the world …
… Northern CA is a place where I just feel that it’s truly a place where I’d love to live and explore. It’s a whole new world out there. And I emphasize new. You’ll never improve if you never change.”
— Despite a life’s worth of friends and family in my Southern California hometown, I knew I had an opportunity lying ahead. I started dreaming about moving to what I consider the epicenter of innovation — Silicon Valley. So when I graduated high school, I made a decision.
I am a graduate from San Jose State University with a concentration in Marketing. I became the President of the SJSU Marketing Association in my senior year of college. I graduated cum laude with a 3.7 GPA while completing the Gary J. Sbona Honors Program in SJSU’s Lucas College of Business. I'm focused in the world of digital marketing: specifically content strategy, social media management, community building, and multimedia.
If I could look back to my former self, I’d say he accomplished his dream — to go from a place of comfort to one of limitless possibility. And the best part? The story has just begun.